MediSpa & Aesthetic Center Bot for Messenger
Generate a steady flow of prospective patients & keep existing ones coming back
Use Facebook Messenger marketing as the proven way to grow your Medical Spa business fast and efficiently
Chatbot Features
Estimate your customers in minutes
Gather the necessary information from prospects, schedule appointments and convert them into real customers.
Comprehensive information
Educate prospects with your business and unique services. Let them learn about your service at any time and anyplace.
User Engagement
Converts potential customers via promotions, special offers & call to actions.
Smart follow-ups
Retargets new customers who visited the bot but didn't convert.
Updates and subscriptions
Subscribe your customers to the updates and novelties of your MediSpa practice.
Instant notifications
Gather the necessary information and get instant notifications directly on Messenger.
Preview Template
See how the MediSpa & Aesthetic Center Bot for Messenger is used to drive sales and engage with customers

MediSpa and Aesthetic Center chatbot
Platforms & Integrations
This chatbot can be connected to a variety of apps
Available on , Chatfuel and ManyChat for Facebook Messenger
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions about the BotMakers Marketplace