Messenger Bot for Churches and Ministries
The strategic method for reaching and retaining new guests that will help grow your church this year and for years to come
Use Messenger marketing strategy for your church and reach people you previously had no access to
Chatbot Features
Segment Each Subscriber
Whether a bot visitor is planning a first visit to a church, consider joining a church membership or just looking for daily or weekly devotionals, the bot segments each visitor and send appropriate follow-ups and reminders.
Use a Funnel to Improve the Learning Experience
The funnel helps new visitors, who want to get to know you better, to learn more about your church on every step of their journey and plan first visits.
Drive User Engagement and Retention
Send daily or weekly prayer reminders for your subscribers and they are much more likely to come back to you and re-engage.
Know Your Audience's Needs
The bot collects information from visitors and sends immediate notifications to bot administrators on Messenger. The information also gets saved to Google Sheets.
Instant Lead Generation
With a virtual assistant, available 24/7/365, your church is equipped to engage new visitors, turning them into valuable members.
Preview Template
See how the Messenger Bot for Churches and Ministries is used to drive sales and engage with customers
Churches and Ministries chatbot
Platforms & Integrations
This chatbot can be connected to a variety of apps
Available on ManyChat for Facebook Messenger
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions about the BotMakers Marketplace