Network Marketing Bot for Messenger
Improve Your Chances of Success and Grow Your Network Marketing Business with This Virtual Assistant
Genuinely have pride in what you are representing to target prospects with the information about your products and turn their interest into a great opportunity to join the movement and make money with your MLM company
Chatbot Features
Get More Leads in Your Conversion Funnel at the Right Point
Share the valuable information and engage with your prospects at every step of the funnel to get more warm leads at the bottom.
Automated Lead Generation
Generate leads and qualify them by asking relevant questions.
Collect Subscribers
Get bot subscribers and reach them later with broadcast messages with 90% open rates.
Alert Anytime
Get instant email and Messenger notifications as soon as a new prospect is interested in working with you. Notifications contain the answers collected from prospects.
Send Follow-Up
Automatically retarget new leads who visited the bot but didn't convert to increase conversion rates.
Google Sheets Integration
Qualification questions provided by a prospect the bot organizes on Google Sheets.
Preview Template
See how the Network Marketing Bot for Messenger is used to drive sales and engage with customers

Network Marketing chatbot
Platforms & Integrations
This chatbot can be connected to a variety of apps
Available on ManyChat for Facebook Messenger
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions about the BotMakers Marketplace